“Are you missing a few teeth? At Southside Dental Implants, based in Brisbane, we offer multiple tooth replacements using dental implants.”
— Dr Burhaan Kassim
With multiple tooth loss, often a dental bridge is used. This means that you won’t need an implant for every missing tooth, because a dental implant bridge involves multiple prosthetic porcelain teeth attached to a less number of implants than the number of teeth being replaced.
At your initial consultation, Dr Burhaan Kassim will assess your oral health and determine the best treatment for you.
After the initial consultation, the treatment takes three appointments.
By replacing missing teeth with implant dentistry, you are providing support and stimulation to your jawbone as well as ensuring that your other teeth don’t become crooked. Implant dentistry will allow you to eat and speak without worrying about the difficulties created by missing teeth.
Are you missing more than one tooth? If you are missing two or more teeth in a row than a dental bridge may be the best thing for you. At Southside Dental Implants, located at the McCullough Dental Centre in Sunnybank, we offer multiple tooth replacements using dental implants.
Contact us to arrange your consultation and see if you are a suitable candidate.